Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am so glad you found my website and would like to learn more about me. So sit back, grab a drink, and let me fill you in on a little bit about myself and what this blog is all about.
more About Me
If you happen to be anything like me, you don’t believe in compromising your dreams or trying to live your life on someone else’s terms, only to wake up one day and realize that your whole life has passed you by and you did nothing but pay your bills and merely survive (sorry if I’ve just triggered one heck of an existential crisis).
However, opportunities to not live a conventional life don’t always find their way easily to us. As a matter of fact, they never really do. It’s up to you to plan what you want to do with your life, and take proactive steps to make that plan a reality! As for me, my plan was to travel the WORLD!
I am Louise Russel, a lover of solo adventures, the great outdoors, stories behind stunning art pieces, and cultures from around the globe. With this website, I hope to connect with others who share similar interests and have a burning desire to travel.
During my time as an art student in Alaska, I discovered that I had a deep love for art and everything out there worth exploring and experiencing. I’ve worn many career hats since I graduated, and now, after a lot of struggle and fun, I’m a blogger, a travel photographer, and an arts and culture enthusiast.
If you are passionate about photography, traveling abroad or just want to book that trip you’ve been dying to take, you’ve come to the right place. Traveling can inspire you to live a life that you’re passionate about, make you a storyteller, and help you let go of all the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying around. So that’s what I’m going to do, share my travel stories, inspire you to travel, guide you, and give you a taste of a life you’ve only ever imagined!

Louise Russell
I am a blogger, travel enthusiast, and photographer based in Alaska. There is nothing I love more than art, travel, meeting new people, making friends, and exploring different cultures.
Read more of my stories